Tuesday, May 20, 2014

a real-life teacher

The results are in, folks, and...i got the position! i couldn't be happier and i am so incredibly excited to join the team of teachers at this school. i was able to patch up the wee little bit of road to make this work. it feels correct; this is where i should be.

Before summer school starts, i have the opportunity to go into the classroom for a few more days and get to know my future students a little better. How utterly fantastic! When i met the kids previously i just fell in love with their little selves and now i actually get to be their teacher. i truly feel just...honored with the opportunity. i can't wait.

Because i am a real, honest-to-goodness teacher of the kiddums now. is it August yet??

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

grown-up decisions

it's hard to be a grown-up. And believe me, i definitely do not have it figured out (obviously) but i am trying. Again, it is difficult.

i've been spending time since graduation trying to figure out where i'm going to be next year. Working is the preferred answer. Teaching is the most ideal answer. But where? i tell ya, a most ideal option has crossed my path this week and i just feel good about it. Almost giddy. i shadowed one of the teachers at the school and got to work with some of the students to see just how this school's program worked. The result? The giddy feeling in my little heart. Then...

One of the metaphorical bumps in the metaphorical road of life came along and almost threw me from the road (metaphorically, of course). See, i like having a plan. i always have a plan and i feel great about my plans. When things don't go according to plan i have a hard time figuring out if it's because there's something else better for me or if i'm supposed to patch up that wee little bit of road to make my plan work.

Which lands me in my current position. Debating. Praying. Contemplating. Rewriting my plan 5 different ways. Napping. Researching. Making potential new plans. Seeking counsel of those who have their lives in order.

it's a lot. Hence why napping is part of that list. Making the decision and seeing it through will definitely be rewarding in the end but unfortunately my feelings towards grown-up decisions at the moment are more as follows:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

graduation week

it's official, folks. i am a college graduate! And it is the weirdest feeling. Up until now i've always been in school; always preparing for the next year; everything leading up to this. And now it's done.

The fam in all of their awesomeness came to Utah for the week of my graduation to play with me and Miss Calah (and her family). We missed a couple of the boys and Miss Kierston's family due to previous engagements and whatnot but we did have everyone else. Which is quite the feat considering how big our family is.

it was simply lovely having the nieces and nephews here to play and seeing my siblings. They have always had my best interests at heart and i love them to pieces! This was also the first time we had all of the Toth sisters together in several years where we could sit and talk and simply enjoy. Of course we get together at the holidays but this was different. it's funny to see how similar we all are; our laughs, our phrasing, etc. if i do say so myself, we are also pretty darn funny (the whole fam is really).

Aren't they just fab? (PS i'm still waiting on a picture of me with all of the girls so the selfies will have to suffice).

with the parents

with Misses Bryttney and Kierston

with Miss Calah

with Matt and Hyrum - Morgan and Ethan are honorarily there

We spent several days at the Midway house since it had the space to hold us all. We celebrated with cupcakes from The Sweet Tooth Fairy (only the best) for my graduation AND Mom's birthday AND Miss Tovah's birthday (which just so happened to be the very same day as my convocation). 

She really is just adorable and crazy smart and crazy creative. An all around awesome kid. :)